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Start Your Day with Lemon Water

You can start your day with one cup of warm water with juice from ½ lemon – Simple and Effective.

pH Balance: Lemon is excellent alkalizing food. Alkaline body environment is important for health.

Digestive Aid: Warm water stimulates digestion and intestinal movement. Lemon juice rich in vitamins and minerals helps to neutralize toxins and with water helps to carry the toxins out from the body. Lemon is also rich in fibre called pectin.

Immune system support: Lemon juice is a rich source of vitamin C and magnesium. Vitamin C protects body and helps against colds. Magnesium is involved in numerous chemical reactions within body optimizing the body response to external environment

Weight reduction: Consuming alkalizing foods helps the body shed pounds faster.

Antioxidant Activity: Vitamin C helps body to fight free radicals. This action can be monitored on various body systems i.e. skin

Hydrating properties: Improves body hydration improving chemical reactions within body including toxin elimination, stress reduction, fatigue, etc.