Personal health and wellness are highly dependent on proper nutritional intake of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins and water. In addition, given that each individual’s body is distinct in its construct and operation, the nutritional content required for correct functioning is unique to each person. It is hence critical to create and adhere to a specific nutritional diet in order to ensure the optimal functioning of one’s body.
Through our consulting services, we perform complete nutritional assessment and develop a personal nutritional plan for each client, based on multitude of factors such as the client’s present health condition, metabolism, assimilation, digestion, absorption, elimination, stress levels, physical symptoms, diet and lifestyle. In addition, we assist the client in implementing their personal nutritional plan and monitor their progress over a period of time using follow-up appointments.
For further information or inquiries regarding our nutritional consulting services, please contact us by phone, email or online contact form.