Essence de Coco: Natural, Organic and Preservative-Free Moisturizing Creams
Our natural, organic, preservative-free moisturizing creams are rich and protective. Thanks to powerful natural ingredients, they help hydrate and improve the skin’s elasticity, leaving it with a healthy-looking glow.
The cream formulation includes:
Organic Coconut Oil – An excellent skin moisturizer and softener.
Organic Sesame Oil – Rich in vitamin B, vitamin E and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.
Organic Evening Primrose & Rosehip Oils – Rich in GLA essential fatty acids for skin nourishment.
Unique blends of Organic Essential Oils (Note: Not Included in Vegan and Plain creams).
These creams can be used on a variety of skin types, from young to mature and might also reduce signs of eczema, inflammation and effects of aging. These products can be used as face and body creams, day and night creams, as well as massage creams and are also suitable for use under make-up.
Choose from our variety of Essence de Coco moisturizing creams that best suits your skin type:
FRESH – Our most popular full body moisturizing cream. Due to its restorative and rejuvenating properties, it is particularly suitable for dry, mature and sensitive skin types. It maintains hydration, while stimulating and promoting skin regeneration. The cream can help to calm dry, sensitive skin types, balance skin oil production, assist in healing blemishes and achieve healthy radiant glow. It helps in mitigating the appearance of broken capillaries and varicose veins. The cream also promotes the stimulation of the lymphatic and circulatory systems, aiding in the removal of accumulated toxins, reducing puffiness and enhancing tone, as well as smoothing fine lines, scars and wounds.
Ingredients: Organic extra virgin coconut oil, beeswax, organic sesame oil, organic evening primrose oil, organic rosehip oil and organic essential oils of carrot, geranium, frankincense and lavender.
MATURE – Suitable choice for mature skin as the cream is balancing the skin’s oil production, softening and smoothing skin lines and stimulating new cell growth. It can help by reducing inflammation, relaxing facial muscles and enhancing the skin tone, while also helping with the reduction in the appearance of scars and wounds.
Ingredients: Organic extra virgin coconut oil, beeswax, organic sesame oil, organic evening primrose oil, organic rosehip oil and organic essential oils of carrot and ylang-ylang.
SWEET BLISS – Simply calming and soothing. The cream is suitable for blemish, irritated or itchy skin. It helps to promote circulation, to balance skin oil production and to reduce inflammation, bruises, cuts and insect bites. It has a very relaxing sweet fragrance.
Ingredients: Organic extra virgin coconut oil, beeswax, organic sesame oil, organic evening primrose oil, organic rosehip oil and organic essential oils of maple and lavender.
PURE – Fitting choice for skin with eczema, psoriasis, or other types of dermatitis. It has restorative properties and it can balance the skin’s pH level as well as neutralize free radicals. It enhances tone and youthful appearance of the skin, while also promoting the regeneration of cells. The cream supports skin protection against microbes such as bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses.
Ingredients: Organic extra virgin coconut oil, beeswax, organic sesame oil, organic evening primrose oil, organic rosehip oil and organic essential oils of carrot, lavender, ylang-ylang, grapefruit seed and argan.
COCOA – Particularly suitable for very dry skin and providing deep hydration. The essential oil of lavender helps to provide relief for irritated and itchy skin.
Ingredients: Organic extra virgin coconut oil, beeswax, organic sesame oil, organic evening primrose oil, organic rosehip oil, cocoa butter and organic essential oil of lavender.
VEGAN – A Vegan-friendly option suitable for hydration and regeneration of all skin types. The cream formulation is designed to provide calming, smoothing and soothing properties. Amongst the ingredients, Calendula oil is used to provide anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-septic properties, making the cream also suitable for skin conditions such as dermatitis, eczema and irritated dry skin.
Ingredients: Organic extra virgin coconut oil, organic raw cocoa butter, organic sesame oil, organic evening primrose oil, organic rosehip oil and calendula oil.
PLAIN – This cream formulation does not contain any essential oils and has been specifically designed for hypersensitive individuals experiencing adverse reactions to common cosmetic products and fragrances. This cream is rich in skin nutrients, such as essential fatty acids, vitamin A and minerals including calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.
Ingredients: Organic extra virgin coconut oil, beeswax, organic sesame oil, organic evening primrose oil and organic rosehip oil.
PREMIUM DAY – Suitable choice for mature skin. Designed to hydrate and balance skin oil production, stimulate new cell growth and soften/smoothen skin lines. The cream formulation includes higher concentrations of antioxidants, essential fatty acids and beta carotene, resulting in significantly stronger skin protection, restoration and rejuvenation properties. In addition to relaxing facial muscles, the cream can aid in reduction of skin inflammation as well as reduction of scars, wounds and wrinkles.
Ingredients: Organic extra virgin coconut oil, beeswax, organic sesame oil, organic evening primrose oil, organic rosehip oil and organic essential oils of carrot and ylang-ylang.
PREMIUM NIGHT – Excellent night application cream due to its richness, providing extensive skin hydration, nourishment and rehabilitation. The cream formulation includes triple the amount of antioxidants, essential fatty acids and beta carotene, resulting in significantly stronger skin protection, restoration and rejuvenation properties. In addition to relaxing facial muscles, the cream can aid in reduction of skin inflammation as well as reduction of scars, wounds and wrinkles.
Ingredients: Organic extra virgin coconut oil, beeswax, organic sesame oil, organic evening primrose oil, organic rosehip oil, sea buckthorn oil and organic essential oils of carrot and ylang-ylang.
Our creams are handcrafted in small batches using the freshest ingredients and therefore slight variations in consistency and colour may occur.
For inquiries, please send us an email at To purchase online, please visit our Online Shop.
What our customers think…
“The Essence de Coco moisturizing cream embodies everything I look for in a face and body cream. I have been struggling for a long time to find products free of synthetic chemicals, noticing that even many cosmetics on the market which were labelled as natural or organic still contained preservatives and various additives. I have been using only Essence de Coco since discovering it. It is light for everyday use, perfect for after-shower whole body moisturizing and it smells fantastic !”
– Ana (Sudbury, ON)