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Weight Loss & Gender vs. Weight Loss & Individual

There are many weight loss programs and recipes that claim to help people to shed extra pounds.  However, many women are often discouraged indicating that these programs and diets have limited lasting effects nor some do not work at all. However, in family settings many women noticed that while they cannot shed desired pounds their male partners are losing weight easily and are able to keep it off. There are scientific reasons for this phenomenon related to gender differences. 

First, there are differences in the hormonal systems in between the female and male body and such differences in fat productions and storage which seems have an important role in the fat loss and health over all.

Male fat storage areas of the body are around the abdomen. This fat is excessive for the body and dangerous due to the tendency to built into the organs. However, this fat is able to be removed relatively easy. On the contrary, majority of women experience fat storage below waist, buttock and things and more likely serves as a energy resource for life events associated with reproduction being one of the main factors of female body. Due to this fact it seems that this fat is more difficult to be eliminated due to laws of nature.

However, since there is no “one fits all” recipe or program, there is no need to be pessimistic. Appropriate diet designed for each individual based on multiple factors including genetic make up, existing health condition, personality, activity levels, etc. together with holistic approach to lifestyle including regular physical activity allow for the body to function optimally, returning to homeostasis and consequently reduce the amounts of fat that otherwise would be stored for the “emergency event” to necessary minimum.